Straighten Your Smile Discreetly With Invisalign

Find out if Invisalign is the right orthodontic treatment for your smile. 

Most people these days have heard about Invisalign. This clear orthodontic system is allowing more and more teens and adults to get the smiles they’ve always wanted but have held off on getting because they didn’t love the idea of wearing braces. Invisalign makes it easy and convenient for our Southfield, MI, dentist Dr. Ali Beydoun to help you achieve a straighter smile no matter your age.

How does Invisalign work? 

Instead of bonding wires and brackets to the front of your teeth to gradually move teeth into their ideal position, our Southfield, MI, family dentist will provide you with your very own set of custom-made aligners. These clear aligners made from thermoplastic fit over your teeth like nightguards but apply just the right amount of pressure to certain teeth to move them gradually without the need for wires or brackets.

Each aligner is worn for about two weeks at a time, after which they are replaced with a new set of aligners in your treatment plan. Each aligner will move teeth a specific amount, and you’ll begin to see these gradual improvements in the overall alignment of your smile fairly quickly.

Who is a good candidate for Invisalign? 

Invisalign offers some pretty amazing benefits so you may immediately want to rush to our Southfield, MI, dentist’s office to discuss getting this treatment. There are quite a few factors that help our dental team determine whether you’re an ideal candidate for treatment. Some of the factors that our dentist, Dr. Beydoun, will need to look at to determine your candidacy include,

The type of dental issues you’re dealing with: This is probably one of the biggest factors that we’ll need to evaluate before we determine whether Invisalign is right for you. Invisalign can address a wide range of minor to more serious dental problems including,

  • Gapped teeth
  • Slightly crooked teeth
  • Crowding
  • Open bites
  • Crossbites
  • Overbites
  • Underbites

Your age: Invisalign is only ideal for patients whose teeth have finished growing, which means only older teens and adults. Of course, the good news is that there is no age max! You can get Invisalign as late in life as you want.

Your dedication to the treatment process: Your result really depends on you and how often you wear your aligners. If you think you’re not going to wear your aligners for the recommended 22 hours each day, then this may not be the ideal orthodontic treatment for you.

Do you have questions about Invisalign treatment? Want to find out if you’re an ideal candidate? If so, call our Southfield, MI, dentist, Dr. Beydoun, at ASB Dentistry at (248) 354-3500 to schedule your Invisalign consultation.

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